pictures from previous lives

I was flipping through Granta 80: The Group and I found these really beautiful photographs by Susan Meiselas. I like how the pictures tell a story in its simplicity. They also make me want to take more pictures, but moreover I find the gaps in between each picture to be little pockets of time in which you fill with your imagination... and I think that’s precious. You’d make up stories and characters and chart their lives through paths you’d like them to take... and maybe conjure up an imagined life separate from your own.

And I suppose the whole coming of age thing fascinates me as well. Up till now, despite being close to a quarter century old (well, almost), I still feel like I just turned 21. I don’t know what state of mind I was in when I was 21, but I’m glad to be where I’m at... yet I miss being 21 so much. And to remember those nights my sister and I stayed up to tell stories to one another, or the time when I was bullied by some obnoxious girls on my first day at school, or when I punched a boy... or the time when my dad kicked me out from home... all are good. I wonder how my life will look like in photographs considering I’m behind the camera most of the time.

Here is our final screening (maybe) of Kit Ong's The Flowers Beneath My Skin.


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