
Good driving music is good music.

Good driving music makes you want to keep driving because you don’t want the song to end without really ending.

But I wasn’t listening to anything when I was driving home from work the other day. I don’t even remember the conversation I had with my sister in the car. We probably talked about what we had for lunch or Juno or Be Kind Rewind. I don’t usually take the direct road to get to my house, I’d skip my road and take an alternative route that follows a big curve. Every time I drive along the curve my mind would picture something really sinister. A middle-aged jogger with multiple sweatbands, a kid on a bike or someone’s ugly toy dog running towards me, at my blind spot. I always anticipate to anticipate something totally imaginary right there.

I followed the bend and as usual, there was no middle-aged jogger, kid on a bike or scraggly dog. But by the road I saw a man squatting, hugging his daughter. He had his back to the road and her little head peeked over his shoulders.

I slowed down and they were still holding each other.
I passed them and they were still holding each other.
In my rearview mirror they were still holding each other.
As a blur blob in the horizon there were still holding each other.

Maybe a car before me almost hit her. Maybe he saved her. Maybe he was leaving and she did not want to let him go. Maybe it was someone’s birthday. Minus all the drama, maybe they just like hugging a lot.

It felt a lot like flipping through a book and reading a random sentence from it. Out of context, like real life. Sometimes.

I suppose that is how being still is… to be embraced and protected just because.


  1. Anonymous said...
    "It felt a lot like flipping through a book and reading a random sentence from it." I love that analogy.
    Anonymous said...
    i just wanted to delurkify myself on your blog and let you know that i thoroughly enjoy your art....blog and photography. i've also picked up some great music from your list over there on the right. so thanks so much!

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